Monday, March 7, 2011

Nighttime Drawing

The funny, and incredibly obvious, thing about nighttime drawing was my reliance on lights beyond my control. It was cold outside, and I live in an attic, so I started off my homework with this crazy good(I thought) idea to set myself up in front of my open window to look out over suburbia. This way I could do the outside drawing without having to go too far outside, and I could still keep my headphones plugged into my laptop from inside the building. It sounds like an alright way to handle things, but I quickly realized when I was doing my preliminary drawings that, surprise surprise, people who don't know you're drawing their houses turn their lights on and off. I guess someone with a very bright porch light decided they were going to bed at some point, because I was looking out and suddenly it got incredibly dark within a matter of seconds.
Fortunately, I hadn't yet put conte to paper, but losing that single prominent light did kind of screw things up for me. I guess I could have gone outside, but I chose to keep looking over a patch of houses that still had all of their lights coming through the windows.

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